Working Paper

The Effects of Taxation on the Location Decision of Multinational Firms: M&A vs. Greenfield Investments

Shafik Hebous, Martin Ruf, Alfons J. Weichenrieder
CESifo, Munich, 2010

CESifo Working Paper No. 3076

In this study, we estimate the impacts of differences in international tax rates on the probability of choosing a location for an affiliate of a multinational firm. In particular, we distinguish between the tax sensitivity of Greenfield and M&A investments. Based on a novel firm-level dataset on German outbound FDI, we find evidence that location decisions of M&A investments are less sensitive to differences in tax rates than location decisions of Greenfield investments. According to our logit estimates, and after controlling for firm and country-specific characteristics, the tax elasticity for Greenfield investments is negative and in absolute value significantly larger than that associated with M&A investments. This finding is consistent with a (partial) capitalisation of taxes in the acquisition price when the FDI project takes the form of M&A.

CESifo Category
Public Finance
Keywords: FDI, corporate taxation, location, M&A, Greenfield
JEL Classification: F230,H250,H730