Working Paper

Globalization, Time-Preferences, and Populist Voting

Thomas Aronsson, Clemens Hetschko, Ronnie Schöb
CESifo, Munich, 2020

CESifo Working Paper No. 8466

Societies see growing support for populist politicians who advocate an end to globalization. Our behavioral economics model links impatience to voters’ appraisals of an income shock due to globalization that is associated with short-run costs and delayed gains. The model shows that impatient individuals may reject further globalization if they are subject to borrowing constraints. Using German data, we confirm that impatient voters choose right-wing anti-globalist parties. Similarly, we show for the United Kingdom that a preference for immediate gratification increases the support for right-wing anti-globalist parties as well as for Brexit. A policy implication of our study is that governments may use up-front redistribution to gain voters’ support for further globalization.

CESifo Category
Public Choice
Trade Policy
Keywords: globalization, time-preference, impatience, time-inconsistency, populism, Brexit, up-front redistribution
JEL Classification: D150, D720, D910, F150, F610, F680, H530