Working Paper

Overwhelmed by Routine Tasks: A Multi-Tasking Principle Agent Perspective

Dominique Demougin, Carsten Helm
CESifo, Munich, 2022

CESifo Working Paper No. 9753

We analyze a multitasking model with a verifiable routine task and a skill-dependent activity characterized by moral hazard. Contracts negotiated by firm/employee pairs follow from Nash bargaining. High- and low-skilled employees specialize, intermediate productivity employees perform both tasks. Compared to the efficient solution, more employees exert both tasks and effort in the routine task is inefficiently large. As work overload in the routine task is decoupled from a corresponding increase in remuneration, employees perceive a loss of control to allocate effort between the two tasks. Reductions in employees’ bargaining power and improvements in monitoring technologies aggravate the issue.

CESifo Category
Labour Markets
Keywords: multi-tasking, work overload, routine tasks, rent extraction, moral hazard, limited liability, Nash Bargaining
JEL Classification: D820, D860, J410, M520