Aufsatz in Zeitschrift

Inequality Trends in the Context of Changes in Labor Market Outcomes, Composition and Redistribution in Germany

Maximilian Joseph Blömer, Elena Herold, Max Lay, Andreas Peichl, Ann-Christin Rathje, Paul Schüle, Anne Steuernagel
CESifo, Munich, 2024

EconPol Forum 25 (2), 47-52
  • We examine how inequality evolved in Germany during the 1983-2020 period
  • Labor market participation of women increased significantly, while average weekly working hours of women changed little
  • Gender differences in earnings are still pervasive and more pronounced for individuals with children
  • Inequality in earnings and disposable household income increased from the 1990s until 2005
  • Since then, inequality in earnings has decreased, despite labor force compositional changes, such as high rates of net migration, that tend to push up inequality

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