Aufsatz in Zeitschrift

Key Post-Crisis Challenges and Lessons for EU Energy Policy

Frédéric Gonand, Pedro Linares, Andreas Löschel, David Newbery, Karen Pittel, Julio Saavedra, Georg Zachmann
CESifo, Munich, 2024

EconPol Forum 25 (3), 10-14
  • Only by decarbonizing its economy and reducing energy and raw-material dependencies can the EU safeguard its competitiveness in the global markets
  • Postponing policies to decarbonize the energy system will increase long-run welfare losses
  • Decarbonization offers great potential for improving energy security, if pursued systematically
  • EU energy policy must be better coordinated and provide long-run price signals
  • To strengthen resilience, systematic risk assessments and improved data infrastructure are essential