CESifo Network:
Promoting Economic
“The CESifo International Research Network spans the globe. It links both fresh talent and seasoned economists who meet, publish, discuss papers and exchange ideas at CESifo, greatly boosting progress in economic research.”
Prof. Clemens Fuest, CESifo President


Publications 21 Nov 2024

In recent years, the EU has significantly shaped framework conditions in areas such as data protection, consumer health and safety, environmental protection, the supply chain, and antitrust law. However, the EU’s overregulation in some areas is seen not as beneficial, but as a detrimental factor limiting innovation, competition and growth. The EU now needs better, evidence-based regulation ensuring that its legislation is drafted in a transparent and inclusive manner and is as simple and targeted as possible to reduce unnecessary bureaucracy burdens and costs.

Portrait Achim Hageb CESifo Guest
ifo/CESifo Visiting Researcher
9 – 13 Dec 2024

Achim Hagen’s primary research focus is to enhance the understanding of the economic implications of domestic and international climate policy-making, particularly in relation to the political economy, transition risks, and the interaction with financial regulation. He aims to provide insights that can aid the transition towards a sustainable, carbon-neutral future. At the ifo Institute he will collaborate with Waldemar Marz to study the role of endogenous state capacity on the provision of environmental and other public goods in a politico-economic setting, taking into consideration the role of elections.

Portrait Anca Christea CESifo Guest 2024
ifo/CESifo Visiting Researcher
16 – 20 Dec 2024

In recent work, Anca Cristea investigates whether labor unions influence how local labor markets respond to international trade shocks, particularly to import competition from low wage countries. While a large literature has examined the local labor market effects of trade exposure, less is known about the role played by labor unions in shaping employment outcomes in response to trade. In her analysis, Ms. Cristea uses data from the United States during the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and finds that import competition from Mexico impacted manufacturing employment relatively more in locations that were less represented by labor unions. A rationalization of this finding points to the use of concession bargaining by labor unions, which allowed them to trade off future wage growth in exchange for employment protection. Such leverage was not available in locations characterized by weak union presence.


20 December 2024
CESifo, Munich
CESifo Conference

13 March 2025
CESifo Munich
CESifo Conference

14 – 15 March 2025
CESifo, Munich
CESifo Area Conference
Keynote Speaker: Ryan Kellogg, University of Chicago

Network Members

CESifo is a global network of more than 2000 members, each of whom is selected for their expertise and extensive experience in the CESifo research areas. Members are invited to join the network as Affiliates or Fellows after completing a period of residential research at the Center for Economic Studies or the ifo Institute.

“The CESifo International Research Network spans the globe, linking economists who meet at our events, publish and discuss papers and exchange ideas. CESifo is an accelerator for progress in economic research.”

Prof. Clemens Fuest, CESifo President