Contact us

CESifo GmbH
Poschingerstr. 5
81679 Munich

Phone: +49 (0) 89 9224 1410
Fax: +49 (0) 89 9224 1409

  • How to Reach Us
    • Using Public Transportation

      The bus stop ‘Poschingerstrasse’ is adjacent to CESifo (187 bus).

      From the Central Railway Station (Hauptbahnhof): 
      Subway U4 (direction 'Arabellapark'), change at 'Richard-Strauss-Strasse' to the number 187 bus (direction 'Arabellapark'). 
      or number 16 tram (direction 'Effnerplatz'), change at 'Mauerkircherstrasse' to the number 187 bus (direction 'Arabellapark').
      or number 58 cityring bus (direction 'Hauptbahnhof'), change at 'Mauerkircherstrasse' to the number 187 bus (direction 'Arabellapark').

      From the Eastern Railway Station (Ostbahnhof): 
      Number 54 bus (direction 'Scheidplatz') or number 58 cityring bus, change at 'Mauerkircherstrasse' to the number 187 bus (direction 'Arabellapark').

      From Munich Airport 
      Take the S-Bahn S8, change at 'Daglfing' to the number 188 bus (direction 'Unterföhring'), change at 'Herkomerplatz' to the number 187 bus (direction 'Arabellapark').

      To the Center for Economic Studies (CES): 
      Number 187 bus (direction 'Michaelibad'), change at 'Mauerkircherstraße' to the number 154 bus (direction 'Nordbad') or number 68 cityring bus (direction 'Hauptbahnhof') to 'Georgenstraße'.

      For the current schedule for the S-Bahn, the U-Bahn, trams and buses in Munich, see MVV (Münchner Verkehrsverbund).
      The web site of the Munich Tourist Office offers interesting information on events and other attractions in town.

      Coming By Car

      CESifo is located in the eastern part of Munich, near the ring road (Mittlerer Ring) in the low emission zone. Information: