Working Paper

School Competition and Students' Entrepreneurial Intentions: International Evidence Using Historical Catholic Roots of Private Schooling

Oliver Falck, Ludger Wößmann
CESifo, Munich, 2010

CESifo Working Paper No. 3086

School choice research mostly focuses on academic outcomes. Policymakers increasingly view entrepreneurial traits as a non-cognitive outcome important for economic growth. We use international PISA-2006 student-level data to estimate the effect of private-school competition on students’ entrepreneurial intentions. We exploit Catholic-Church resistance to state schooling in 19th century as a natural experiment to obtain exogenous variation in current private-school shares. Our instrumental-variable results suggest that a 10 percentage-point higher private-school share raises students’ entrepreneurial intentions by 0.3-0.5 percentage points (11-18 percent of the international mean) even after controlling for current Catholic shares, students’ academic skills, and parents’ entrepreneurial occupation.

Keywords: private school competition, entrepreneurship, Catholic schools
JEL Classification: I200,L260,L330,Z120