Working Paper

Yardstick Competition, Corruption, and Electoral Incentives

Ngo Van Long, Bodhisattva Sengupta
CESifo, Munich, 2008

CESifo Working Paper No. 2345

This paper investigates the relationship between electoral incentives, institutions and corruption. We assume that voters use a yardstick criterion. The incumbent provides a public good and extracts rent, which are financed by imposing a distortionary tax. We demonstrate the possibility that yardstick competition itself fails to restrict rent seeking. We complement the static setting with a dynamic scenario where each incumbent politician faces an election after a finite, fixed term. Under relative performance evaluation, dynamic incentives impose more restriction on rent appropriation in comparison to the static case.

CESifo Category
Public Choice
Keywords: yardstick competition, rent-seeking, public good, electoral incentives
JEL Classification: H110,H730,H770