Working Paper

How to Avoid a Pension Crisis: A Question of Intelligent System Design

Alessandro Cigno
CESifo, Munich, 2009

CESifo Working Paper No. 2590

Conventional pension systems suffer from a design defect which makes them financially unsustainable, and a source of inefficiency for the economy as a whole. The paper outlines a second-best policy which includes a public pension system made up of two parallel schemes, a Bismarckian one allowing individuals to qualify for a pension by working and paying contributions in the usual way, and an unconventional one allowing them to qualify for a pension by having children, and investing time and money in their upbringing.

CESifo Category
Social Protection
Keywords: pension reform, implicit pension taxes and subsidies, child benefits, fertility, labour productivity
JEL Classification: D130,D640,H550,J130,J140,J260