Working Paper

The Relationship between Stature and Insolation: Evidence from Soldiers and Prisoners

Scott A. Carson
CESifo, Munich, 2009

CESifo Working Paper No. 2850

Nineteenth century white US statures varied with nutrition, disease exposure, and the physical environment. An additional explanation for stature growth is vitamin D production. Vitamin D is produced internally by the synthesis of cholesterol and sunlight in the epidermis. However, studies that link stature to insolation and vitamin D production rely on only one comprehensive data set. To test the relationship between insolation and stature further, this study broadens the sample to include both 19th century white Civil War recruits and prisoners, and illustrates that the relationship between stature and insolation was remarkably similar between white soldiers and prisoners, adding to the evidence that there is a positive relationship between stature and insolation.

CESifo Category
Labour Markets
Keywords: stature, insolation vitamin D
JEL Classification: I100