Working Paper

An Experimental AK Model of Growth

Ferruccio Ponzano, Roberto Ricciuti
CESifo, Munich, 2012

CESifo Working Paper No. 3744

In this paper we test the AK model of growth with laboratory experiments. In each period, agents produce and trade output in a market, and allocate it to consumption and investment. The economy should experience a constant and positive rate of growth. We analyze two treatments differing from technology. We find evidence of positive and constant growth, and the treatment with a better technology exhibits higher growth. Remarkably, production, consumption and the capital stock grow at the same rate in the treatment with lower technology. We find that this growth process is fuelled by large inequalities between subjects.

CESifo Category
Fiscal Policy, Macroeconomics and Growth
Behavioural Economics
Keywords: endogenous growth, capital accumulation, heterogeneity, experiments
JEL Classification: O410, C910, C920