Working Paper

Globalization and the (Mis)Governance of Nations

Arthur Blouin, Sayantan Ghosal, Sharun Mukand
CESifo, Munich, 2012

CESifo Working Paper No. 3715

We analyze whether or not the globalization of capital, ‘disciplines’ governments and improves governance. We demonstrate that globalization affects governance, by increasing a country’s vulnerability to sudden capital flight. This increased threat of capital flight can discipline governments and improve governance and welfare by placing countries in a ‘golden straitjacket’. However, globalization may also ‘overdiscipline’ governments - resulting in a perverse impact on governmental incentives that catalyzes (mis)governance. Accordingly, the paper suggests a novel (and qualified) role for capital controls. Finally, we provide some suggestive evidence consistent with the predictions from our theoretical framework.

CESifo Category
Monetary Policy and International Finance
Trade Policy
Keywords: globalization, governance, capital flight, capital controls, discipline
JEL Classification: F550, F360