Working Paper

Location of Foreign Direct Investment in Vertically Related Markets

Chrysovalantou Milliou
CESifo, Munich, 2013

CESifo Working Paper No. 4117

We provide an alternative explanation for the commonly observed FDI in developed countries (DCs) considering a vertically related market structure and endogenizing vertical technology transfer (VTT). We show that even though VTT is more costly in a less developed country (LDC), a multinational does not always transfer less technology there than in a DC. Moreover, we show that a multinational sometimes locates its FDI in a DC where, although downstream competition is stronger than in a LDC, it can obtain the input at better terms due to VTT. Independently of whether the host country is more or less developed, FDI is always welfare-enhancing.

CESifo Category
Industrial Organisation
Trade Policy
Keywords: foreign direct investment, host country, vertical relations, developed countries
JEL Classification: L130, F120, F230