Working Paper

The U.S. Dollar Exchange Rate and the Demand for Oil

Selien De Schryder, Gert Peersman
CESifo, Munich, 2013

CESifo Working Paper No. 4126

Using recent advances in panel data estimation techniques, we find that an appreciation of the US dollar exchange rate leads to a significant decline in oil demand for a sample of 65 oil-importing countries. The estimated effect turns out to be much larger than the impact of a shift in the global crude oil price expressed in US dollar. Furthermore, the effect of the US dollar on oil demand tends to be declining over time and, for a subsample of OECD countries, stronger for an appreciation compared to a depreciation of the US dollar.

CESifo Category
Energy and Climate Economics
Monetary Policy and International Finance
Keywords: oil demand, US dollar exchange rate, panel data, nonlinearities
JEL Classification: C330, F310, Q410