Working Paper

Language Rights - A Welfare-Economics Approach

Bengt-Arne Wickström
CESifo, Munich, 2015

CESifo Working Paper No. 5491

Distributions of language rights in multilingual settings are analyzed from a normative viewpoint in this chapter. If the cost structure of providing rights is concave in the number of beneficiaries, then a critical-mass criterion for the determination of an optimal rights structure results. It is further shown that an efficiency analysis based on a ‘naive’ cost-benefit calculation has to be augmented in various ways if rights influence the status of a language, which in turn influences the preferences for language rights. Also the inter-generational transfer of language repertoires to the next generation leads to an endogeneity of preferences. The endogeneity of preferences in turn can make the cost-benefit analysis contradictory. In a welfare-maximizing approach, redistribution goals further modify the analysis.

CESifo Category
Public Finance
Keywords: efficiency, cost-benefit analysis, economic justice, changeable preferences, language rights, linguistic justice, language policy
JEL Classification: D610, D630, H590, K190, Z190