Working Paper

What Drives the Reversal of the Gender Education Gap? Evidence from Germany

Regina T. Riphahn, Caroline Schwientek
CESifo, Munich, 2015

CESifo Working Paper No. 5395

We study the mechanisms that are associated with the gender education gap and its reversal in Germany. We focus on three outcomes, graduation from upper secondary school, any tertiary education, and tertiary degree. Neither individual and family background nor labor market characteristics appear to be strongly associated with the gender education gap. There is some evidence that the gender gap in upper secondary education reflects the rising share of single parent households which impacts boys’ attainment more than girls’. The gender education gap in tertiary education is correlated with the development of class sizes and social norms.

CESifo Category
Economics of Education
Empirical and Theoretical Methods
Keywords: educational attainment, wage premium, gender gap
JEL Classification: I210, J160