Working Paper

Student Earnings Expectations: Heterogeneity or Noise?

Luis Diaz-Serrano, Joop Hartog, William Nilsson, Hans van Ophem, Po Yang
CESifo, Munich, 2016

CESifo Working Paper No. 6110

Students’ choices in education can only be based on expected outcomes. Econometric models that infer expectations based on ex post outcomes impose a rational structure of expectations on school performance and post-graduation earnings. Direct surveys suggest much ignorance and fuzziness. We use survey data on expectations in four universities in three countries and check for relations of expected probability to graduate and of expected earnings with personal abilities and attitudes. We find that most of the difference in expectations among individuals is just noise.

CESifo Category
Economics of Education
Labour Markets
Keywords: student expectations, earnings, earnings dispersion, risk attitudes
JEL Classification: I210, I260, J240, D830