Working Paper

Is It Worth It? On the Returns to Holding Political Office

Heléne Berg
CESifo, Munich, 2018

CESifo Working Paper No. 7406

This paper estimate causal effects of being elected in a local election on monetary returns. The claim for causality can be made thanks to a research design where the income of some candidate who just barely won a seat is compared to that of some other candidate who was close to winning a seat for the same party, but ultimately did not. The design is made possible thanks to comprehensive data covering all political candidates in the period 1991{2006. I establish that monetary returns are absent both in the short and long run. Instead, politicians seem to be motivated by non-monetary returns, and I show that being elected locally once can be an effective starting point for enjoying such payoffs.

CESifo Category
Public Choice
Labour Markets
JEL Classification: C230, D720, J440