Working Paper

Differential performance in high vs. low stakes tests: evidence from the GRE test

Analia Schlosser, Zvika Neeman, Yigal Attali
CESifo, Munich, 2019

CESifo Working Paper No. 7590

We study how different demographic groups respond to incentives by comparing their performance in “high” and “low” stakes situations. The high stakes situation is the GRE examination and the low stakes situation is a voluntary experimental section of the GRE. We find that Males exhibit a larger drop in performance between the high and low stakes examinations than females, and Whites exhibit a larger drop in performance compared to minorities. Differences between high and low stakes tests are partly explained by the fact that males and whites exert lower effort in low stakes tests compared to females and minorities.

CESifo Category
Labour Markets
Economics of Education
JEL Classification: C930, I230, I240, J150, J160, J240