Working Paper

The Forecasting Power of the ifo Business Survey

Robert Lehmann
CESifo, Munich, 2020

CESifo Working Paper No. 8291

The ifo Institute is Germany’s largest business survey provider, with the ifo Business Climate Germany as one of the most important leading indicators for gross domestic product. However, the ifo Business Survey is not solely limited to the Business Climate and also delivers a multitude of further indicators to forecast several important economic variables. This paper gives a literature overview over existing studies that deal with the forecasting power of various ifo indicators both for gross domestic product and further economic variables such as exports. Overall, the various indicators from the ifo Business Survey can be seen as leading indicators for a multitude of variables representing the German economy, making them a powerful tool both for an in-depth business cycle diagnosis and for applied forecasting work.

CESifo Category
Fiscal Policy, Macroeconomics and Growth
Keywords: economic forecasting, business surveys, leading indicators
JEL Classification: E170, E270, E370, F170, J110