Working Paper

Gravity-Model Estimation with Time-Interval Data: Revisiting the Impact of Free Trade Agreements

Peter H. Egger, Mario Larch, Yoto V. Yotov
CESifo, Munich, 2020

CESifo Working Paper No. 8553

We challenge the common practice of estimating gravity equations with time-interval data in order to capture dynamic-adjustment effects to trade-policy changes. Instead, we point to a series of advantages of using consecutive-year data recognizing dynamic-adjustment effects. Our analysis reveals that, relative to time-interval data, the proposed approach avoids downward-biased effect estimates due to the distribution of trade-policy events during an event window as well as due to anticipation (pre-interval) and delayed (post-interval) effects, and it improves the efficiency of effect estimates due to the use of more data.

CESifo Category
Trade Policy
Keywords: structural gravity, trade policy, free trade agreements, interval data
JEL Classification: F100, F140