Working Paper

How Parents' Skills Affect Their Time-Use with Children? Evidence from an RCT Experiment in Italy

Daniela Del Boca, Chiara Pronzato, Lucia Schiavon
CESifo, Munich, 2020

CESifo Working Paper No. 8795

This paper investigates the impact of parenting courses on fragile families’ time use with their children. Courses aimed at raising parental awareness of the importance of educational activities are offered in four Italian cities (Naples, Reggio Emilia, Teramo and Palermo) within the framework of the social program “FA.C.E. Farsi Comunità Educanti” and with the cooperation of the program “Con i Bambini”2. To conduct the impact evaluation3, we designed a randomized controlled trial involving random assignment of the families (mostly mothers). At the end of the intervention, we administered an assessment questionnaire both to the treatment group, which took the course, and to the control group, which did not. Comparing the outcomes, we find attending the course increased families’ awareness of the importance of educational activities for children, the frequency with which they read to the child, and their desire to spend more time with the child.

CESifo Category
Social Protection
Economics of Education
Keywords: parenting use of time, randomized controlled trial
JEL Classification: J130, D100, I260