Working Paper

Gender and Cooperation in the Presence of Negative Externalities

Justus Haucap, Christina Heldman, Holger A. Rau
CESifo, Munich, 2022

CESifo Working Paper No. 9614

Social dilemmas often impose negative externalities on third parties. We experimentally analyze gender differences in cooperation in such a setting, i.e., a prisoner’s dilemma game, with a passive third party that may be harmed when active players mutually cooperate. Applying a within-subjects setting, we compare cooperation under anonymity and social information, as personal characteristics are commonly known in real-life relations. Results show that the presence of a negative externality particularly affects guilt-averse women, who cooperate less often independently of the degree of information they receive. No gender difference is found absent negative externalities.

CESifo Category
Industrial Organisation
Behavioural Economics
Keywords: cooperation, experiment, gender differences, negative externality, social information
JEL Classification: C920, D010, J160