Working Paper

Is Patience Malleable via Educational Intervention? Evidence from Field Experiments

Tim Kaiser, Lukas Menkhoff, Luis Oberrauch
CESifo, Munich, 2022

CESifo Working Paper No. 10080

We study the malleability of patience via educational interventions by aggregating evidence from earlier experiments in a meta-analysis and by conducting a field experiment. We find that the average effect of interventions on patience is positive but uncertain. The age of students explains a large share of between-study heterogeneity in treatment effects. Thus, we conduct a field experiment covering both youths and adults in Uganda. We find heterogenous effects by age: adults’ patience measured in incentivized tasks is unaffected by the intervention after 15 months follow-up, but we observe large effects on patience and estimated discount factors for youth.

CESifo Category
Economics of Education
Keywords: patience, time preferences, malleability, field experiment, educational intervention
JEL Classification: C930, D150, I210