Working Paper

Prescription Behavior of Physicians in the Public and Private Sector

Elina Jussila, Kaisa Kotakorpi, Jouko Verho
CESifo, Munich, 2022

CESifo Working Paper No. 10186

We analyze prescription behavior of physicians in the public and private sector. We study two major diseases for which an effective, widely accepted low-cost treatment and alternative, more expensive treatments are available. We find that private sector physicians are more likely to prescribe the expensive medication. The result holds after controlling for individual-level factors including health indicators based on detailed administrative data, and patient fixed effects. In one of our cases, we further find that the same physicians prescribe different medication when working in different sectors. These results are consistent with higher 2nd degree moral hazard in the private sector.

CESifo Category
Public Finance
Keywords: healthcare, prescription behaviour, public sector, private sector, moral hazard
JEL Classification: I110, H420, I180