Working Paper

Technological and Organizational Change and the Careers of Workers

Michele Battisti, Christian Dustmann, Uta Schönberg
CESifo, Munich, 2022

CESifo Working Paper No. 10130

This paper investigates the effects of technological and organizational change (T&O) on jobs and workers. We show that although T&O reduces firm demand for routine relative to abstract task-based jobs, affected workers do not face higher probability of non-employment or lower earnings growth than unaffected workers. Rather, firms that adopt T&O offer routine workers re-training opportunities to upgrade to more abstract jobs. Older workers form an important exception: T&O increases the risk that they permanently withdraw from the labor market and reduces their earnings, regardless of the tasks they performed in the firm prior to T&O.

CESifo Category
Labour Markets
Keywords: careers of workers, technological change
JEL Classification: J200, O300