Working Paper

Preaching to the Agnostic: Inflation Reporting Can Increase Trust in the Central Bank but Only among People with Weak Priors

Bernd Hayo, Pierre-Guillaume Méon
CESifo, Munich, 2023

CESifo Working Paper No. 10636

Using a randomized controlled trial, we study whether showing German respondents a graph plotting the European Central Bank’s inflation target alongside inflation in the euro area from 1999 to 2017 affects respondents’ trust in the ECB. The treatment has, on average, no significant effect on the level of trust in the ECB respondents report, but trust increases among respondents who report no preference for any political party. Within this group, the information about the actual development of the inflation rate, and not information about the inflation target itself, appears to be the main driving force.

CESifo Category
Monetary Policy and International Finance
Resources and Environment
Keywords: central bank trust, European Central Bank, central bank communication, monetary policy, Germany, household survey, RCT
JEL Classification: E520, E580, Z100