Working Paper

Archetypal Scientists

Christian Seiler, Klaus Wohlrabe
CESifo, Munich, 2012

CESifo Working Paper No. 3990

We introduce archetypal analysis as a tool to describe and categorize scientists. This approach identifies typical characteristics of extreme (’archetypal’) values in a multivariate data set. These positive or negative contextual attributes can be allocated to each scientists under investigation. In our application, we use a sample of seven bibliometric indicators for 29,083 economists obtained from the RePEc database and identify six archetypes. These are mainly characterized by ratios of published work and citations. We discuss applications and limitations of this approach. Finally, we assign relative shares of the identified archetypes to each economist in our sample.

CESifo Category
Empirical and Theoretical Methods
Keywords: archetypal analysis, classification, scientists, RePEc
JEL Classification: A120, A140